Jimmy & Suzanne Brock

Jimmy and Suzanne Brock both grew up in Virginia and since getting married, have lived and ministered in Los Angeles, St. Louis, and Atlanta. They met as camp counselors in the summer of 2001 while Suzanne was a student at William & Mary and Jimmy was about to head off to Claremont McKenna College in Los Angeles. They were married in 2005 and Suzanne taught elementary school in South Central Los Angeles, while Jimmy taught high school math in Boyle Heights. During those years of teaching, Jimmy's sense of calling to pastoral ministry in the church did not change, so in 2008, they moved to St. Louis with their sons Nathan & Isaac for Jimmy to attend Covenant Seminary. 

During their time in St. Louis, while Jimmy completed his Master of Divinity and Toby & Zachary were born, they became part of New City Fellowship, a vibrant multi-ethnic church. There they both grew in their understanding of God's grace in their lives, their awareness of God's reign in the world, and their appreciation of God's diversity of cultures.

In 2012, the Brocks moved to Atlanta for Jimmy to be ordained in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) and serve as Pastor of Family Ministry at Church of the Redeemer. They were there for 5 years, building up children's programs, pastoring teachers and families, getting engaged with the neighborhood and local schools, and starting a summer sports camp. Despite their love of children's ministry and their life in Atlanta (including the birth of their 5th son, Asher), they remained open to God's calling them to a new role.

In the summer of 2017, Jimmy & Suzanne were recommended for church planting by the Church Planter Assessment Center of the PCA and called by Tidewater Presbytery to start a new church in the Princess Anne area of Virginia Beach. They are both excited to have returned to the state where they grew up and to have the opportunity to share God's love and build up a new church family in a new place.